The Yoga Loft

Yoga philosophy

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Right To Remain Silent

Do we only have the right to remain silent when we are suspected of a crime? Do we have the right to remain silent when our hearts are broken and our minds overwhelmed? Do we have the right to remain silent when our words seem to diffuse our meaning rather than come to its aid? Do we have the right to remain silent when we want to hear or when we want to commune with the infinite rather than remove ourselves by articulation?

Does silence have any rights? In those places where Nature only dwells alone, no sound of machine or human made projection, is there a right, a protection of the quiet? How can I assure myself these places will be left to continue and that I can go to them when I need Silence, quiet, no people? Aren't our words largly the forcing of our wills on others? Do they not do the work of the Ego saying "I do not really believe I'm here and so I speak, blah, blah, blah. I'm so important! Look at what I know. I'm not you. I'm separate and my words prove my intelligence greater than yours, my me greater than you, my sound greater than silence, my life greater than death?"

In this I need no words to speak to show you that you are me. I only need the right to remain silent. For there is no brighter light, no louder noise, no more disturbing presence than that of silence. It illuminates the falseness of words, the fake of other, the pretentiousness of human. And there is nothing that separates humans from God greater than the word. It was only the beginning of the end when "there was the word." Everything that came after that was an attempt to use the evil tool to coerce and convince a separateness from the All, The Oneness, Goddess and God, the Divine. To own the stars and the Creator and to extract life from life in meaningless babble, the use of words continue. I take the fifth. I have a right to be inside the infinite and only in Silence do I find myself with enough presence of mind to see, hear, love and envelope It. But I don't have the right to remain silent. The morning comes and I must say "hello" to the faces for a purpose of creating a false connection, while a real one goes ignored.


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